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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Our Main Product and Ancillary Texts

Fit Like a Jigsaw


Our short film and ancillary texts is what we must assess,

Their effectiveness as a whole makes for a TA Media success.

The main product features themes of positivity, cohesion and dedication,

Which represents skateboarders all across the nation.

From wide shots of those within the sport’s diverse community,

To upbeat, instrumental, non-diegetic music that symbolises the good vibes and unity.

Not only does this documentary include typical archive footage of Southbank during the 1970’s,

But also has insightful interviews on skateboarding’s skillset and evolution,

A documentarians most favoured and conventional genre contribution.


Next comes the ancillary texts,

And of course these correlate with the short film too,

Otherwise the audience wouldn’t have a clue.

You could say that they all fit together like one big jigsaw,

This link between film, poster and review acts as media’s fundamental law.

From the bright colours to the bold helvetica blue font,

We made sure to be creative with our poster and review because it’s what any filmmaker would want.

The message of positivity that we convey within our documentary was also considered,

Vibrant photographs of skateboarders presenting them as a "family",

A close-up of our main interviewee Khi Graham,

A skateboarder in the film that does a trick is the poster's dominant image,

Reflected the skateboarding subculture well, we figured.


Conventions of these ancillary texts also played a significant part,

The layout is where we should probably start.

Both a magazine review and poster require a film title and plot,

Actors and directors,

All these connect with what the main product has got.


'It's Not Raining'


How successful are the three products as a whole?

Our final documentary short was successful because we have featured a range of conventional elements such as camera shots, voiceovers and archive footage, which all link to the genre and enhance the skateboarding topic and general themes of positivity/dedication throughout. This media product, combined with our poster is also effective since it uses the traditional dominant image (taken of a skteboarder in mid-trick) and informs the audience of the directors, what date the short is being released and the unique title. Furthermore, in conjunction with the magazine film review, the 3 products make for a total package.The double page spread looks realistic as it also features a dominant image of the skateboarding community in London and a key interviewee in the documentary. The layout of the text, font size and colour we are all appropriate to the subject. The general theme is clear throughout all types of the media porducts, for example, the colour scheme of blue and the logo of Walthamstow's International Film Festival.


How are they identifiable to the target audience?

The Walthamstow International Film Festival's logo is a key element that will draw in and make our short film identifiable to our audience as it is a recognised platform for short filmmakers. This logo is clearly displayed on our short film poster and is a conventional element of many short films. It is also easily identifiable to our broad target audience because of the bold title, which is displayed in the same, bold helvetica font on all of the 3 products. 

It's Not Raining
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