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Shooting a documentary means that our film's aim is to observe and inform audiences about our subject. We therefore don't have to pay for props or actors like other film genres. This is not to say however that there are no costs involved in capturing the scenes we need for our short film; travel expenses played a big part when it came to filming of our documentary short.

Travel for London was an extremely important component to our film as it allowed us to access parts of London we do not live near that would be benificial to our film like Southbank or Slam City Skates Store. However, cycling was also a free travelling option, which I decided to take when I went to film our Southbank (Day 1) footage.

By Tamuka Walker

Cost of Travel via Trains in London:

In order to get to some of our locations, we mainly had to take trains, which cost money. Buses are free but would take a lot longer to get to our destinations, thus we mostly took train because of its time efficiency. 


Here is the approx. cost of travelling one way via either underground or overground with one of our 16+ oysters, depending on whether we went during peak or off peak times

  1. Overground train to Bethnal Green, Shoreditch to get to Slam City Skates.

  2. Overground train to Liverpool Street, in order to catch 26 bus to Waterloo Bridge for Southbank (Day 2).

  1. Underground train to get to Oxford Circus for street scenes.

  2. Underground train to get to Covent Garden for Slam City Skates Garda Event.

Total of Approx. Money Spent on Travel - £30 

By Ashley Fontaine

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