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Audience Research

We used 'Survey Monkey' to create and handout our survey to the public.


Our survey contains a wide range of questions in order to get the best results from our audience, which will be beneficial when creating our documentary short film,  film poster and film magazine review. 

By using Survey Monkey, we were able to create an effective way to collect results for our audience research; since it's an online service, more people are likely to want to answer the questions, rather than trying to target people on the street. 

Here's an example of how our survey would have been available to our recipitants. As you can see, our survey was sent via email; we believed this was the best way to get out survey sent out, making for quick responses.


Through doing an audience research survey we were able to collect real data, which will help us to pinpoint our preferred target audience, enabling us to create our own audience profile. 

Results from Audience Research:
Audience Profile:

Definition: to find out the profile of your audience beforehand, so that you can put your message across in the right way (to the right people), meaning for an effective way to produce the best result. This profile may include details such as:

  • Age

  • Sex

  • Educational Qualification

  • Work Experience 

  • Financial Background (income)

  • Field of Work (occupation)

  • Interests 

  • Food Habits

  • Culture


A common method of audience profiling is known as demographics

It breaks down the population into 6 groups and labels them by using a 

letter code to describe the income and status of the members of each group.




Gender: Male


Age: 16 - 25 (this age group defines those who we believe will be most interested in our skateboarding film, although we do aim to reach out to those oustide this category)


ABCDE: D-E and maybe B (young teachers and creative/media people may find

our documentary style short film interesting).


Occupation/Educational Qualification: Students within schools, sixthforms and BA Hons graduates. Young creative industry workers e.g. teachers (PGCE) who educate those in the fields of photography, media and film studies.


Income: Those who don't earn anything/a great amount. This could also include the minimum teaching salary of £27,819 for those who work in London.


Nationality: British; since it's about the skating subculture in and around London. 


[Despite our preferred target audience, the skating subcultutre is generally welcoming to anyone that approaches it with the intention to improve their skills. Class, race, gender, weight, and other hobbies are irrelevant provided that the participant’s enthusiasm for the actual act of skateboarding is genuine. However, in 2009 70% of skaters were under 18 years old and of all skaters, 77.1% are male, whereas 23.9% of all skaters are female.]


Audience Profile (Psychographics);


A confident, outgoing adventurist with a strong interest in the skating sub-culture and possibly extreme sports. He is optimistic and positive, therefore enabling him to progress easier and become more sucessful - "Championship Thinking"; his focused goals may include improving on certain skating skills that take lots of practise, portraying him as persistent. He also enjoys going to places with a group of friends and is all about helping the younger generation of skaters within his local area. This person additionally has an interest in buying brands the reflect their "boyish" personality and desire for style and quality, such as Vans and Nike SB. Along with this, he is creative by nature and loves going to the going to the cinema/watching independent films online - YouTube/Netflix. He has an eclectic taste for music, enjoying a range of genres from hip hop to soul, which motivates them. 


Likes: Filming, photography and media. Interests may also include watching documentaries, healthy food, extreme sports (skiing or snowboarding, music and definitely a love  of the skating.


Dislikes: romance films, shopping and fast food. 


By Ashley Fontaine

Focus Group Video

By Tamuka Walker

  Our target audience is open to all types of people:


  1. Young and old skaters who have experienced the skating community. 

  2. Those within the creative industry because they can appreciate the film/media techniques we've used.

  3. Those without experience of the skating scene and are NOT involved in the creative industry.


Our short film aims to inspire, inform and use experimental methods to adapt to the 'short film' category, giving an insight into the benefits and positivity behind skateboarding.

The survey and target audience focus group allowed us to define the type of audience we want to target.

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