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Audience Feedback

Rolling Audience Feedback

13th November:


Matthew: " I think it was really good footage, but it would be better if you put your credits within the establishing shot."


Teacher: "It would be nice to use the Go Pro and get a skateboarder's point of view (POV). Also, research name tabs and font styles that documentaries conventionally tend to use."


Ricky: "The music compliments the interview scene

with Khi Graham well."


From this feedback, we researched documentary style fonts and discussed about using the Go Pro on one of our actors while they skate around our local area. However,

we thought that this would be very difficult since skateboarders may not want to have the Go Pro strapped onto them. Also its an expensive piece of equipment, so the person would have to be trusted.


On the other hand, we did manage to edit in our credits (director's names) within the establishing shot.

20th December:


After recently editing our short, we have now got 2.8 mins of footage, so we decided to gather some more audience feedback as we have changed and added quite a few things since our first editing day.


Here is the following feedback we got from the students within our class: 


Erica: "I like the range of shots you've used, in particular the close-ups of some of the skating merchandise in Slam City Skates."


Bartek: "So far you've made the documentary short very interesting; the interview from Khi is engaging."


Kam: "I liked the part in the interview where Khi talks about determination and you've included shots of another skater trying the same trick again." 


Things to Improve - add some more footage of skating at the beginning of your film as it mostly includes shots of your location. 

After getting this feedback, we took it on board and have now added in some footage of skateboarders at the start of our short film. We have included a brief clip of the Southbank Skate Park back in the 1970's. This clip was taken from YouTube, which we found while researching the history of skateboarding. It shows skateboarders at the time in the location performing what we would see now as "basic tricks", demonstrating how much this action sport has evolved since then. We thought this was significant as Southbank is considered the 

"home of skateboarding".

17th January:


Esther: "I like the change you've made to the opening, it's more creative than the initial footage chosen. It now looks like a proper documentary! Maybe try to stick to one or two fonts though, I suggest helvetica."


Joshua: "It would be great if you could end on a voiceover of you explaining the whole meaning behind your title 'It's Not Raining', so the audience can understand the correlation between the concept and the short film."

We have taken this feedback on board and decided to mainly use helvetica font. A conventional voiceover and visuals will further be used to convey the meaning behind the title. This will be our ending, as it will reinforce the positive message behind the short film to our audience.

On 12th February we finished our film and collected more audience feedback for question 3 of our evaluation section. See page for more audience responses and analysis.

By Ashley Fontaine and Tamuka Walker

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