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Editing Process (no.2)

Here is a screenshot of one of the editing decisions we made when trying to add in our footage from film session 2 at Lloyds Skate Park. There were a few skateboarders in the park when we arrived, but we wanted to only focus on the skills of one skateboarder, whereby we came by Daniel Jacobs.

We didn't use all of the footage, as we wanted to pick out the best and most relevant parts that present the dedication needed to skateboard. For example, we selected the moment in the footage when Daniel repeats a trick multiple times. The image below demonstrates us detatching audio from Khi's interview to act as a voiceover over the footage of Daniel perservering in his trick. We chose to do this because the question we asked him was 'Is dedication important to be a skateboarder?'. In addition to this, we changed the colour to grey-scale because we thought it looked more effective; it's as if Daniel is a figure of Khi's imaginative thoughts in the back of his mind.

This editing process took a couple of hours to get the timing between the audio and footage right.

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