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Ooo, we're over halfway there!

Audience Feedback

After recently editing our short, we have now got 2.8 mins of footage, so we decided to gather some more audience feedback as we have changed and added quite a few things since our first editing day.

Here is the following feedback we got from the students within our class:

Erica - "I like the range of shots you've used, in particular the close-ups of some of the skating merchandise in Slam City Skates."

Bartek: "So far you've made the documentary short very interesting; the interview from Khi is engaging."

Kam: "I liked the part in the interview where Khi talks about determination and you've included shots of another skater trying the same trick again."

Things to Improve - add some more footage of skating at the beginning of your film as it mostly includes shots of your location.

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